Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mistakes, Lawsuits, and Unresolved Agreements

The University of Texas, once again, is battling a controversy in which they have to pay a substantial sum for a mistake upon a mistake that they created for themselves.  This all coming at a time when education budgets have been slashed across the nation. The controversy being mentioned is none other than the blatant hiring of Rick O'Donnell as a special adviser and his proceeding dismissal. 

Vivian Aldous, Editor-in-Chief at The Daily Texan, addresses the taxpayers and anyone else who has been keeping up with the controversy about her stance on the issue.  She is deeply worried for the taxpayers due to recent cuts in the already low UT budget. Arguing that where will the funds to pay Mr. O'Donnell come from and should someone be accountable for his hiring as well as the 200,000 dollar salary that would have been awarded to him.

Vivian shows the lack of research that the UT system did prior to O'Donnell's hiring and showing that his radical views and affiliation with the Texas Public Policy Foundations was the initial cause of the controversy. Vivian, a fellow taxpayer and UT student, believes it is her right to show the shortcomings that the UT System created and that the incident could have been avoided all together.

I tend to agree with Vivian's argument that the fault lies with the UT system and having to compensate Mr. O'Donnell during a time when spare money is a scarce commodity is downright absurd. How will the UT system handle this settlement and what else or who will they have to cut just to give the 70,000 that is owed to O'Donnell. This actually shows the negligence that UT is showing and their attempt at covering their awful mistake. 

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